Everything is Connected - Congress on Ecology and Theology
Everything is Connected
Congress on Ecology and Theology des FB 07 der Goethe- Universität Frankfurt
am 7. Februar 2024 von 14-20 Uhr
in Raum HZ 10
Hörsaalzentrum, Campus Westend
Mit renommierte internationale Referent*innen:
Stefano Zamagni, Birigt Weiler, Joshtroom Kureetadam, Fabrice Hadjadj, Jürgen Manemann sowie unseren Gastdozenten Rodrigue Naortangar.
Für den Ausklang ist ein Get Together geplant.
Von 14:10 Uhr bis 15 Uhr moderiert Dr. Dominiek Lootens, Leiter des CfD.
14:00 Welcome Address, Dean of the Faculty and President of Goethe Universität
14:10 Lecture Prof. Stefano Zamagni (Univ. Bologna).“Resilience of people and ecosystems under climate stress: The Christian integral ecology proposal”
Presents: Dr. Dominiek Lootens
15:00 Break
15:15 First panel
„Culture as bridge between humans and Creation; inculturation of faith as bridge between care for humanity and care for Creation”
- Lecture of Prof. Birgit Weiler (Univ. Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Lima): “Care for humanity and care for the earth: an imperative in times of climate emergency and ecological crisis”
- Lecture of Fr. Joshtroom Kureetadam SDB (Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Rome): “Incarnation: Implications for an Ecological Theology”
- Lecture of Prof Rodrigue Naortangar SJ (Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus, Ivory Coast): “Inculturation of Creation from a Pan-African perspective”
- Discussion
Moderation: Prof. Anja Middelbeck-Varwick
17:15 Break
18:00 Second Panel
„A revolutionary Christianity. Exodus-Church, Creation compassion and rediscovering the spirit of nature as a Catholic answer to the ecological crisis”.
- Lecture of Prof. Fabrice Hadjadj (Philanthropos Institute, Fribourg): “Ecology: between tragedy and Transfiguration”
- Lecture of Prof. Jürgen Manemann (Univ. Hannover): “Creation rebellion”
- Discussion
Moderation: Prof. Christof Mandry
20:00 Get Together
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